(6 – 18 months, 18 – 24 months)
The first major transition…
The infants that participate in this class experience the same love, care, interest, affection and sense of security that they enjoy in their home environment. A valuable emotional bond is made with their teacher, who creates emotional security and ensures their proper development
(2 years old – 3 years old)
The beginning of exploration…
At this age, characterized by experts as “the terrible two’s”, children “rebel” for the first time and assert their independence. They are walking, talking, testing limits and endlessly exploring, they therefore need understanding, encouragement, stability, hugs and many sensory games. Which means they must establish a certainty and incentive framework, in other words a safe and motivating framework, where they can experiment and firtsly get to know their bodies and their capabitlities and harmonize their movements.
(3 years old – 4 years old)
The bridge between infancy and nursery.
Children of this age are beginning to come out of the intensely egocentric stage and to acknowledge others as separate and distinct entities that interest them greatly and seek contact with them. Their coordination of their movements has developed, as has their mental function, and consequently their world and interests begin to expand. They need, therefore, adults who recognize their need to act in their own way and at their own pace, in order to gain self-control and independence and to promote cooperation in groups and cultivate the recognition of emotions.
NURSERY CLASSES (Prenursery 4 years old – 5 years old, Nursery 5 years old – 6 years old)
Getting ready for life…
Children of this age, who have more trust in people and have cultivated their independence, have huge capabilities. They need adults who will act with respect and fairness to facilitate and support a more systematic exploration of the world around them, which will promote accountability, cooperation, empathy and critical thinking. The goal of the child’s “journey” at “FOTINI” is, following graduation from the school, to have mental maturity, emotional wealth and a good background knowledge gained from the cultivation and strengthening of inner motivation for learning.