Philosophy of the School & Educational Programme
We believe that what makes this world beautiful and interesting is the fact that it is filled with very special and unique individuals, who have the ability to complement each other and build strong teams. Everyone is capable of doing good, not only for themselves but also for society, as long as they trust their strengths and act passionately.
Our school’s aim is the development of those special characteristics and abilities that naturally exist inside every child, which stimulate their self-esteem. It is for this reason that all the activities we offer concentrate on five basic ideas:
A. Child-Centered Approach:
Children want to be able to learn in their own way, as they are born equipped with amazing abilities and a never-ending desire to discover and experiment. The teachers offer a rich learning environment based on pedagogical targets, but the materials are also partly influenced by the child’s wishes. Learning is energetic and comes from the children themselves, who are encouraged to express their thoughts, to process information, and to interact with their classmates.
B. Experimental Learning:
Children learn better if they use their senses while processing information. Impressions and discoveries made through movement, touch and other senses create real knowledge with a personal meaning and value for each child.
C. Education through Art:
Art in all its forms consummates an excellent form of education, as it inspires the mind, the spirit and the soul of the child.
D. Cooperation between Family and School:
Parents know their child through-and-through, while teachers know what is expected for the child’s age. So when parents and teachers work together honestly and openly they can successfully achieve their common goal, namely the healthy and balanced development of the child according to its abilities. In addition, this cooperation passes the message on to the child that school is important; it is there that it learns things of value and meaning for everyday life.
E. Play:
Childhood is interwoven with play of all kinds: games of action or dexterity, creative or logical-thinking games, symbolic or team games. Whatever the name, it is still play, and it is irreplaceable, because without it, days would pass by without meaning or enjoyment for the child.